Patch Log & Known Bugs List :: June 2021

JUNE 2021 PATCH LOG 1.2.0 to 1.2.1

- Right in the very first map of the game was an event leftover from the last stages of testing. When examining a crate in Marrick's room as a kid it would teleport the player to the Danger Room as grown up Marrick. This was a map I used extensively for testing fights and balancing the combat system. If you walk outside, you are dumped onto another continent at a point in the game far beyond the end of Song of Silvermane's playable content. This was rather game-breaking and, frankly, embarrassing. This bug has been fixed and the downloads have been updated. Very grateful someone pointed this out quickly!


- Do not try to sell the T.O.S. (MK-I) or the game will crash. For reasons still unknown, that particular Thaumetic item gets duplicated when it is equipped and still shows up in the player's inventory as an Accessory. If it is equipped, nothing happens. If it is sold, the game crashes because it's not really there. Still hunting this one down.

- Dunkargo is incorrigable... The comeback system is great but for reasons still unknown, only Dunkargo has an issue where he just won't stay down. He does eventually stop trying to get up but for now it will range from bothersome to life-saving in how it effects the player. Still working to figure this bug out.

- Auto-Item bug... This one is especially irritating because this was never a problem through 100's of runs until right before Song of Silvermane was done. The accessories, Alchemist Kit and Medical Satchel, grant a reactive auto-item ability. In testing 99.99% of the time everything works fine. If the game crashes in combat and says something like "rule.isApplicable is not a funtion" or mentions "Torigoya_AutoItems.js" then you'll need to pick up from your last save/autosave and unequip the Alchemist's Kit and/or the Medical Satchel to continue playing. This is a brand new bug outta nowhere so still looking into it.


If you play this game and encounter a bug, or even if you just want to throw some feedback, please do not hesitate to contact me through comments or direct messaging.

Thanks and hope you enjoy!


Neverspring Chronicles - Song of Silvermane v1_2_1.exe 681 MB
Jun 19, 2021

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