Finally... The End.

It's a little later than I intended but I think the results are worth it.

Today I'm smoothing out some wrinkles and making sure everything's good and solid. Tonight I will be uploading the final Early Access test version to the Neverspring Chronicles Steam page. Here's what's new in the final version: 

- The last big update had a big problem. Long story short, a big ol' chunk of gameplay and story got skipped. Luckily it didn't break the game, it just cut it shorter.

- The missing gameplay caused a big dropped plot point. On top of that there was some leftover dialogue from previous versions that didn't quite match up with the storyline. In all honesty, I was struggling with the story after all the changes over the years (specifically the very beginning and the very end lol) and so there were a lot of scenes to change and I missed some. That has been fixed and I'm proud to say the story experience is now solid from start to finish.

- Everything is done. I may tweak some fights, change around some treasures, or apply some balancing changes between now and official release but the game is finally done. One hundred percent playable from beginning to end. All scenes, all zones, all boss fights, etc.

This will be the last version of the game to be released in "test mode". The official release version will not have the ability to save anytime, anywhere or let players run away from boss fights. Those features are only meant for Early Access testing. Also the demos will no longer be available on Itch or Steam once the game officially releases.

So far I've done basically zero marketing for this game. I don't even have all that many screenshots or anything. So once I have uploaded the final test version I figured I could kill two birds with one stone. Heck, maybe three birds? After uploading it I will head over to Twitch and do one last playthrough. I'll do it without my camera or anything on the screen so I can cut up some clips and images throughout the game to use for screenshots and marketing. At the same time it will let me comb through stuff one last time to see if there's anything else I need to fix before the official release. It's a long game so it will probably take at least two different streams. If anyone gets curious they can find me as OgreLeg_Gameworks on Twitch.

This has been a solo dev project with just my one good buddy who has been testing it all along the way. I couldn't have done it without him or without those of you who encouraged me along the way. I want to thank everyone who has been a part of the development process. It has been a long and winding road to the finish line but it's finally within reach.

I hope someone likes it :)

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