Slowdown Due to Circumstance

So there's good news and bad news.

Like many people, the virus got my job a few months ago. My government promised to help with Stimulus this and Pandemic Assistance that, but it has been over 80 days without a whisper. Not an e-mail, not a call back, not a dime. Indeed when it rains, it pours; my equipment has been used well. My computer and my phone are falling apart. My laptop's fan is done, the gfx card is shot, and the SSD is mortally wounded. A brave little external cooling vac is the only thing keeping fate at bay. I can not even play test without the screen locking up and the editor causes fractal patterns on my screen, but I can still type and watch videos. Also, the artist that offered to help has become indisposed and is unable to carry on their work. The Durance of Magic project is, effectively, on hiatus.

I have discovered a lot of really cool things this past couple months. I started back to work this week, thankfully, and will replace my obsolete equipment over the next 6 months. I also want to get the money together to commission a total art (and maybe music) overhaul through other indie artists on RMN, Itch, Fiverr, and whatnot. When I started this project so many years ago, I never dreamed there would be such an open marketplace as we have today.

In the meantime, I have been teaching myself JavaScript and will continue my progress on that. It doesn't take much in the way of resources. I will still try to continue progress on Episode 2 and 3, albeit slowly.


Durance of Magic 757 MB
May 23, 2020

Get Neverspring Chronicles: Phoenix Down

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