Project OgreDungeon

Thanks for checking out Project OgreDungeon!

As of right now this page was mainly set up as a download hub for friends and testers but anyone is welcome to download this game for their Android device. Feedback is always welcome and much appreciated. Just remember that Project OgreDungeon is in active development and in the beginning of it's Alpha Test Phase. There may be bugs and balance issues during test play and saved games may be wiped when updating.

Current Levels Available:

- The Labyrinth

Search the halls of the Labyrinth for loot and upgrades before the Minotaur finds you. Escape the Labyrinth alive to keep your loot. When a character dies they lose their equipped gear and whatever loot they found. The Labyrinth is filled with traps, monsters, and mini-bosses. It also gets harder and harder as you progress. Extract loot, gold, and experience from successful Labyrinth runs to get stronger so you can go farther. Eventually you can defeat the Minotaur who drops a magic key to unlock the final floor of the Labyrinth where you must defeat a Final Boss.

Current Classes Available:

- Warrior

The Warrior's sole purpose is to deal damage and soak up punishment.

- Wizard

The Wizard can use spell scrolls and sometimes auto-casts magic missile.

- Ranger

The Ranger spots secrets easier and often auto-shoots with a bow attack.

- Thief

The Thief can pick locks and disarm traps.

- Cleric

The Cleric is available but undeveloped.

- Barbarian

The Barbarian is available but undeveloped.

- Necromancer

The Necromancer has a Ghost pet.

- Druid

The Druid is available but undeveloped.

More classes are planned.


ogredungeon-alpha1.apk 155 MB
Sep 10, 2023

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